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Godfather OG AAA

Sativa: 40% Indica: 60% Flavor: Grape, Herbal, Pine, Sweet, Woody Common Uses: Arthritis, asthma, chronic pain, depression, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, nightmares, PTSD, stress Effects: Euphoric, happy, hungry, relaxing, sleepy


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Godfather OG is known as the don of all Kush strains. Not only is she a popular cannabis strain, but she also has a reputation for her sedative properties. As an indica-dominant hybrid strain, it has an indica-to-sativa ratio of 60:40. The strain produces exquisite buds that are a joy to behold. The strain is mainly produced by crossing Bubba Kush, L.A Confidential and GDP. The buds are dense and equally frosty at the same time. It also hosts relatively large calyxes and has light purple hairs with an equally good coverage of trichomes. The smell and taste are quite different from any other indica-dominant strain you may have medicated with before. Godfather OG delivers piney and earthy aromas with pungent undertones while being incredibly potent. The high is unlike any other and is indescribable to say the least. It is strong enough to knock you out for good if you are not careful. Godfather OG is widely recommended for patients suffering from severe conditions, including insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic pain and aches, and other mood disorders.

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